This is the poster I designed for Pittsburgh Shakespeare in the Parks to announce their 2013 show, Romeo and Juliet. The show had a unique concept of separating the audience to follow either the Capulets (Juliet's family) or the Montagues (Romeo's family). The audience would choose a side and follow them through the course of the show, reuniting during moments when the two sides would reunite in love or clash in bitter discord. I tried to emulate that separation in the layout of the text. The words "Romeo" and "Juliet" are positioned far apart, and that separation is further highlighted with the black bars of text behind the names. The director and production designer chose fall colors for this September production, and many of the costumes were to have an "ombre" design. I mimicked that ombre color scheme in the text, transitioning from a warm goldenrod to a deep blood red, foreshadowing the tragic end to the famous lovers.

Pittsburgh Shakespeare in the Parks Season 2013 Poster: Romeo and Juliet

PSIP Poster: Romeo and Juliet